International School Of Advanced Molecular BioMedicine

Advanced Molecular Systems BioMedicine 
And Complex Pathological Phenotypes

Catania, Italy, June 18-20, 2014


Course Venue  

On june 18th and june 19th the lectures will be held at the Aula Magna of the Scuola Superiore di Catania, Catania. On june 20th lectures will be held at the Aula Pero of Policlinico, Catania.


After the final examination, the School will assign up to 2 CFU for participation to the Course.

Participating Audience

Up to 100 Students from the PhD, Specialty, Advanced and First level Courses from the University of Catania will be admitted to the 2014 School, which will assign 2 CFU to Participants . The electronic application form for registration to the School is available at